Django View for Finnegan Web App

guess.views.parse_data(request, *args, **kwargs)

As a request comes from the home page via POST, parse the canvas image, downsize it to match the dims of the training data, and then pass it to the pre-trained neural network for it make a prediction.

The results of the prediction (value and confidence), as well as the array representations of the images themselves are stored in the model, and hence the PostgresQL database.


Sends a render of image as drawn and the network’s guess and confidence via the report template.


Drawing model instance

The last line from the database (specifically the most recent entry).


Work out statistics for results

guess.views.valid_info(request, *args, **kwargs)

Stores the users validation (or dis-validation) of the network’s guess in the database along with what the user intended it to be, in the case of an incorrect guess.